Step choreography: Step moves
Around The World (Reverse Turn Step - Over Top)

Step Aerobics FieldStep Aerobic BenchLeft FootRight Foot
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Play Controls

Left lead: Turn 180°:
Left shift: Right shift:




Question? Problems understanding animation?
Description: Nice tap free version of around the world


March (2) + 4x Half Mambo (12) + March (2)
UpUp (2) + 4x Half Mambo down back (12) + Down Down (2)
Difficulty:6 Move ID:1322
Impact:low Reversing:
From:Front Beats:16
To:Front Off-Beats:0
Groups: Around The World Moves
Added:2002-12-30 22:33:44Author: Alexey
Last Edited:2003-01-18 11:09:46 Contact:alexey at stepcenter dot com