Step community
User comments about this collection

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Rating: Step StarStep StarStep StarMissing Step StarMissing Step Star On: 2001-06-17

Great site,fantastic combo's,extra-ordinair,.....

Rating: Step StarStep StarStep StarStep StarStep Star On: 2001-09-03 Author: Veerle De Rynck (veerle dot derynck at pandora dot be)


Your choreography is excellent. I printed everyone of your step routines for April 2002. I still have to print out the rest of the months, so I can study them. Please keep up the WONDERFUL work. The website is very user-friendly. My English is not very good, since I just been in the U.S. for 2 1/2 years. I am originally an instructor of 10 years from China, now teaching for a YMCA in Los Angeles.

Thank you again for the wonderful work on this website.

Rating: Step StarStep StarStep StarStep StarStep Star On: 2002-05-05 Author: Emily (yunemily at yahoo dot com)

Your site is by far the best resource for stepping on the internet. My classes love your routines. I was delighted to see you've added videos. Keep up the great work!!!

Rating: Step StarStep StarStep StarStep StarStep Star On: 2002-07-22 Author: martha ()

I am a frequent user of your website. I was disappointed to see that you have now started charging. I'll miss no longer visiting Stepcenter.

Rating: Step StarMissing Step StarMissing Step StarMissing Step StarMissing Step Star On: 2002-10-18

Hallo Ihr,
sie sind einfach super, freu mich jedes Mal wenn eine neue Choreographie erscheint. Könntet Ihr nicht mal welche im Kreis oder auch mit vier Steps anbieten? Gruß Kerstin

Rating: Step StarStep StarStep StarStep StarStep Star On: 2003-07-22 Author: Kerstin Aschhoff (kerstin at easy-call dot net)
