Step choreography: Step moves
3 Knees On Top + Heel

Step Aerobics FieldStep Aerobic BenchLeft FootRight Foot
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Play Controls

Left lead: Turn 180°:
Left shift: Right shift:




Question? Problems understanding animation?
Description: start from right side (beside the step)face to step:
1)right up
2)left knee up
3)left down on step
4)right knee up
5)right down on step
6)left knee up
7)left down on floor, facing front
8)right heel tap on step
Difficulty:5 Move ID:1060
Impact:low Reversing:
From:SideFront Beats:8
To:Other Off-Beats:0
Groups: Knee Lift
Added:2002-01-27 21:14:46Author: Sabine
Last Edited:2003-02-08 00:26:32 Contact:su dot ritter at t-online dot de