
Click on the single questions to participate on the poll! The checked questions were already answered by you. You can only show the current results for these questions.

Do you pay any attention to balanced training (symmetrical breakdown) in your step classes?
Do you pre-stretch your participants before the step cardio phase?
Do you step down forward off the bench in your step classes?
Do you teach step aerobics tap free only?
Do you use the step bench in the warm up for a step class?
How fast do you teach step in the cardio? What's the maximum?
How fast do you teach step in the cool down?
How fast do you teach step in the warm up?
How many participants attend your step classes (on an average)?
How many places do you teach step aerobics at?
How many step aerobic classes do you teach per week?
How many step music CD's do you actually use?
How many step music CD's do you have?
How often do you change choreography in your step class?
How often do you do step aerobics?
How often do you exercise?
How often do you get new music in your step classes?
What are the 3 most important things for good step class?
What are your favorite music genres in a step class?
What classes do you teach in addition to step aerobics?
What do you think about Stepcenter offer for Premium Members?
What is your favorite class to teach?
What kinds of step aerobics do you teach?
Which aerobics shoes do you mostly buy and use?